mardi 21 janvier 2014

Les Bonnes Frites! Fritkot Bompa

I wanted to do a story about this for a while, mainly because it is a good story of how social media are important in a local context. But especially because I live close to a Brussels Fritkot which advertises itself with a big sign “Google : FRITKOTBOMPA”:
My loocal fritkot advertises itself with "Google : FRITKOTBOMPA"
However, this is a story of discovery, because obviously it doesn’t stop there. But to start from the beginning, if you actually do Google “Fritkotbompa”, this is the top three:
I was feeling brave and clicked on the first link, And there, on a black background, was the address and phone number of Fritkot Bompa, accompanied by the menu and a very interesting disco song: “Je n’ai jamais mangé les frites de Bruxelles”. Try it for yourself, it’s an eye opener! And as a bonus, it’s on repeat!
Fritkot Bompa in real life
Continuing down the web trail of Fritkot Bompa it is interesting to see how they are actively promoting themselves on social media. The fritkot doesn’t have a Facebook page, but I have sent the profile Fritkot Bompa a friend request (so I’ll be friend no 430 I hope). Who wouldn’t want to be friends with their local frites master? And with a max of 5.000 friends on Facebook I guess they still have time before they have to change to a page.
The good thing is I think this guy ‘gets it’: He is actually asking for reviews of the new house sauce “Bompa” (“tomatised” mayonnaise with pilli pilli and parsley):
Comment vous trouvez la nouvelle sauce bompa ?
est -ce quelle doit rester dans l’assortiment ?
Et la sauce ketje , vous aimerez la retour ?
He probably could do a lot more in this respect to get people to submit ideas and evaluate products, but I have the feeling he’s running a one man business, so perhaps it’s too much work. However, I absolutely love his use of pictures. See for instance the Sauce XL (Ixelles) with dill and aniseed. Or the Hawaii-style Potato? Or this little collection of vehicles belonging to his top customers?
At the same time I am slowly understanding something about fritkots: frites are important, but the sauces are their signature, where they are different from the rest. Get the sauce right, and you have the addicts coming back for your unique product?!
Seems Bompa hasn’t discovered Foursquare yet, and it seems also that very few customers actually use Twitter (here’s an exception). But maybe he’s right: Why go on Foursquare if your customers are on Facebook? In any case, here comes the scoop of this story: THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT! Yes, you heard me, there is actually an app for finding the 49 best fritkots in Brussels (I was of course relieved to see that it’s only 1.59€ at the app store):
Bompa is featured in the Top49 Brussels Frites app for iPhone
By the way, Bompa’s frites are delicious, I totally approve of the 100% Mission of Fritkot Bompa. But even though they do have a house sauce, I am a bit of a conservative with my frites  so I went for a straight mayonnaise on my recon visit.
Will have to try Sauce Bompa today to mend the New Year’s hangover. Or perhaps XL to do the local thing.
If he’s open. After all, This Is Belgium ;o)

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